long-hairedhotmen: Melting Boobs This is

Melting Boobs

This is from Marvel: Civil War #2 - one of the earlier issues where they go to the high-tech rebel hideout for the first time. Dagger was kind of just standing by the monitor on the side of the screen and then, all of a sudden… HER BOOBS BEGAN MELTING DOWN HER STOMACH!

The horror!!!!

I know it’s not a boobs and butt pose or even a really large image but, well… I just saw it and… THE HORROR…….

Also, I think her spine might be at least close to breaking. In trying to mimic her pose (admittedly I’m heavier and less fit than she is), my neck started hurting intensely after a second and I felt like someone was crushing my body backwards. Even if she’s shocked, why would she do this? I can see her turning abruptly and pointing at the screen by not voluntarily bending backward to show her demented chest off more like she’s having a volcanogasm.

She’s trying to distract people from the fact that she’s an alien infiltrator and needs to adjust her human disguise.