panel from X-Force vol. 1 #43 showing Siryn (orange haired woman with long ponytail in a green and yellow skintight suit) jumping up with one leg out and the other bent at the knee and pressed against her thigh with her foot almost covered by her butt, her back is bent 90 degrees
panel from X-Force vol. 1 #43 showing Locus warping the members of X-Force, she is standing up with her arms out and head turned upward, her back is bent 90 degrees at her waist with her butt thrust out to form a perfect L shape
panel from X-Force vol. 1 #43 of Dani Moonstar dashing forward with her butt thrust back and protrudcing 90 degrees to her back as she flies forward
panel crop of Siryn from X-Force vol. 1 #43 showing her flying in the air with her back arched at her butt which is thrust behind her with one of her legs bent forward

Stecky Has Company

As a follow up to Stecky, I looked through the rest of the comic and why is every single woman unable to like stand or move without arching her back at 90 degrees and thrusting out her butt like she's letting out a fart she's been holding in for 28 hours.

(Panels from X-Force vol. 1 #43, Marvel Comics)