french ad for Omni Heroes showing a purple haired woman wearing cat ears  with an "egyptian" style necklace and bikini top, her waist and pelvis continue downward off the panel of the ad but there is a fleshy lump next to her belly button coming from the bottom of the screen and it might be her knee which would make no sense
french ad for Omni Heroes showing an anime girl with white hair in a ponytail, she is in knight armor but has boobsocks
french ad for Omni Heroes that shows a blonde warrior woman in metal bikini armor with cleavage and her torso under her breasts is extremely tiny

Spider Girl or Centaur Girl?

milkawa-and-co submitted:

Classic gacha game with female warriors, boobsocks and stupid armor. But I am kinda worried about the egyptian girl in the first picture : is that her knee poking out right under her chest ?

(ad for Omniheroes, OmniDream Games)

I was gonna say I'm worried about the blonde girl in the third image because of her tiny snake body but then I saw the picture you're talking about and uh... maybe she's some sort of fleshy spider?  Or a literal centaur.  Either way, I'm... concerned.

Also, as an aside, I really appreciate you including the source, it saves me a lot of time trying to hunt it down.