anne-ominous: World of WTFCraft So this

World of WTFCraft
So this came up on my dashboard a few minutes ago, and it’s just physically painful to look at.

I think she’s supposed to be a Troll Warrior or something (she really doesn’t look like anything actually in the game - she looks like she has tusks, and she lacks a tail so that rules out the other two absurdly curvy blue races), which for reference even with the typically bad sexualization in all MMOs, usually look like this:

As usual the stylized look is much less absurd for the male of the set:

(like yeah there’s some anatomy that’s questionable here but it’s way more dynamic and less plain “what the hell is going on what is he even supposed to be”)

The card the art is from confirms that your guess was right, she’s meant to be a Troll warrior.

She’s looks like she’s going “seriously? Who the heck designed this outfit!? OW MY BOOB”