1992 Trading Card from Impel of Magik from X-Men, that reads "Ex-X-Men" "Magik" and shows Magik (blonde woman with a cyborg arm in the yellow and dark blue X uniform) standing with her knees bent and legs apart, holding a sword above her head, she is in a boobs and butt pose with her back bent 90 degrees like a centaur with her butt thrust back and turned toward the viewer

Magik Boobs and Butt Trading Card

Besides looking ridiculous, the need to show thigh and breasts in fighting stances means that the heroine is going to be one ineffective fighter.  Her front leg sticking out prevents her from getting any leverage to attack and her chest is already so rotated towards us, how much more can she turn to slash?

(1992 Impel X-Men trading card of Magik, Impel Marketing (now SkyBox International) & Marvel Comics)