One Sturdy Swimsuit, Coming Right Up!

One Sturdy Swimsuit, Coming Right Up!

I was toodling around on facebook and saw this ad for an MMO:

And I clicked it because I just HAD to know.  And this was the game I got to:

Take special note of our “Swordsman Lady’s” class description.

It’s also hard to see with the fading, but Ladymentalist to the right seems to have forgotten to put her pants on before taking her picture today.

Sadly, I have not played long enough to see if any of them turn into Sailor Senshi.

I think I actually recognize the Sailor Moon fan art they took that from.  I love these non sequitur ads.  “Hey come play our game if you like Sailor Moon, even though our game is nothing like Sailor Moon!”

Also, I’m amused that no matter what, the woman must always wear less.  Even when the guy is just wearing a vest on top, the woman has to wear a bikini, and she doesn’t get pants.  The tag “battle bikini” has never fit an outfit better, it’s not even a chain mail bikini, it’s just a swimsuit. xD

And the Elementalist is having one of those dreams where you show up to class/work/battle but you forgot your pants.