ad for showdown of fate mobile game showing a blue haired anime style girl in a 2 piece dress with her breasts vacuum sealed into the top, she's lying on her side with her torso snaking sideways to connect to her butt, and she's in a boobs and butt pose with both her breasts and her butt cheeks showing to the audience, the text says "Fight against the boss"
ad for showdown of fate mobile game showing a blue haired anime style girl in a 2 piece dress with her breasts vacuum sealed into the top, she's lying on her side with her torso snaking sideways to connect to her butt, and she's in a boobs and butt pose with both her breasts and her butt cheeks showing to the audience, the text says "Fight against the boss"
crop of "showdown of fate" ad focusing on the blonde woman's torso and butt, specifically how both butt cheeks and her legs are on the other side of her hip and on the other side of her body entirely so it looks like she has 1 butt growing out of the other, as well you can see the hint of her far leg on the front part of her torso where it should be sticking out but it is also sticking out completely behind her (drawn by AI likely)
crop zoom of "Showdown of Fate" ad showing a blonde anime girl with a long pony tail, the crop focuses on her hands holding the handle and chain of a long mace, her hand holding the handle looks weird and is blending into the handle in an AI drawn style, but her hand holding the chain has 4 fingers spliced into each other and coming out at angles fingers don't come out of and is just a mash of flesh drawn by AI

And so it begins...

The placement of the words to obscure what's going on with their lower halves reads as an admission that the person making the ad knew that they were using AI to generate the images and that the lower halves made no sense.

As weird as the girl in blue looks, the girl in yellow looks much MUCH worse.  At first I thought her hair was her far leg but then I realized both her legs and her butt are attached to the back of her body and it's horrifying.  Then I noticed her hands... and... it's even more horrifying.

(Her chain is also missing a link around her breasts but that's like super minor at this point.)


I'm going to have to make an AI and hands tag to collate the oncoming flood of AI ads and comics aren't I.  I hate this future we live in.

(Ads for Showdown of Fate, Unlimiteads)