ad for "Masters of Knights: Seven Trials" showing several characters behind the logo, on the left hand side is a blonde woman in white knight outfit thrusting a sword out and looking at the audience viewpoint while doing a boobs and butt pose, on the right is a blonde archer wearing a silver crown and holding a bow and arrow with her legs on the side of her body not looking connected to her body under her skirt
close up of left side of ad for "Masters of Knights: Seven Trials" showing the blonde woman in white knight outfit thrusting a sword out and looking at the audience viewpoint while doing a boobs and butt pose, on the right is a blonde archer wearing a silver crown and holding a bow and arrow with her legs on the side of her body not looking connected to her body under her skirt
close up of right side of ad for "Masters of Knights: Seven Trials" showing a blonde archer wearing a silver crown and holding a bow and arrow with her legs on the side of her body not looking connected to her body under her skirt

Master of Knights regardless of how melted they are

The blonde knight in the boobs and butt pose looks like she just realized the fight is behind her and it's too late for her to stop her thrust.  Also I think her sword is thicker than her arm.  The archer girl is trying to ignore that her legs are falling off for some reason and concentrate on her shot.  A true pro.

(Ad for Master of Knights: Seven Trials, NEOWIZ, submitted by anon)