page from "La Geste de Chavaliers Dragons" showing from behind, a red-haired woman naked looking into a forest of monsters and elves, her butt is thrust backwards and her spine bent forward 90 degrees at her butt, and her torso looks like it's flat from the side, like 2-dimensional, the result is her torso looks like a bent piece of taffy pushed out to her butt

Ozzie Scribbler's follow-up to previous "La Geste" post

ozziescribbler submitted:

"Regarding the last post about La geste des chevaliers dragons, here’s a scan from the first issue, the only one that I managed to read in its entirety. Frankly, it was very difficult to get past this particular page, that’s why I scanned it for eschergirls.

As it’s already pointed out in my comment, other’s replies and Ami’s notes, neither the comic’s premise nor the execution is feminist, quite the contrary. It’s a prime example of false empowerment of femininity.

Not only making the world’s safety depend on female virginity is problematic concept in itself, the first story exploits it in one of the worst ways possible: the protagonist dies because her squire secretly breaks the chastity vows shortly before they reach the dragon. Nuff said.

There’s also in-story condemnation of the knight’s skimpy ‘armor’, but it’s immediately dismissed as a sexist comment from male character, with no further explanation given. Someone please tell me if further issues give any ‘reason’ for women fighting in (incomplete) bikini armors.

When it comes to art (by Alberto Varanda), both the image above and onesintheoriginalpost exemplify classic tropes that eschergirls is no stranger to, like sameface syndrome (it’s really hard to notice that every issue stars different characters), lack of internal organs and rubber spinebent in 90 degrees. The outfits, as pointed out already, qualify for repair-her-armor treatment."

Those creatures are in for a surprise when they realize they’ve ambushed Rubber Girl and she defeats them with her stretching powers.

Also thanks for writing in with your thoughts and additional details about this series since it’s become a topic of discussion.