Okay, so here are the captions for each

Okay, so here are the captions for each of the skateboards that I chose from our last caption contest. :)  Thank you to everybody who participated!  I had a good laugh with many of them, and some were a really hard decision.

The numbering is from left to right, top to bottom.

1. “Resourcefully, Micro Woman kitted herself out with a cocktail umbrella and napkin.” (via aesmael)

2. Alice in Wonderbra (via Glitchy)

3. “You have ten minutes before you turn into a slime  
monster. Use them wisely.” (via whiterosebrian)

4. “You’ll never guess where I’ve hidden the dodgeball.” (via gerojimbo)

5. “Look, what I don’t understand is why you wear next to nothing up top, and then wear thick knee-high boots."  "You ever tried kneeling on a mountain of skulls?"  "Point taken.” (via wanderingbishop)

6. “They weren’t kidding when they said ‘lifts and separates,’ baby.” - (via Khani)

7. “Look, finding a decent mini skirt is a pain with my hip size. At least I’ve got these fine shoes that actually fit my hooves!” (via mimimur)

8. “Okay, who didn’t put the uniforms on dry clean?” (via Mingnon Filiae)

9. “They said I’d never stand out, but now that I’m made of plastic who stands out now!?” (via aesmael)

10. “Some thought that "Sister Act III” was too radical a departure from the rest of the series…“ (via Glitchy)

11. "A healthy snack, then it’s off to the chiropractor!” (via ebsmrtgrl)

12. “It wasn’t until she was handed the outfit that she realised 'catortionist’ wasn’t just an awful typo” (via 215am)

13. “Are you experiencing other symptoms?  Headaches, nausea, random hallucinations of sexist caricatures?” (via Glitchy)

And doctrow37 came up with a great caption for the whole set in general so I’m posting it as a bonus one:

I am head scientist and engineer of a project, which we called “Hook-Ups”, because our goal is to see what robots will do to attract males.
Over the course of 6 months, our team built 13 realistic female androids with basic AI programmed into them. They were given the freedom of choosing an outfit (which we sadly, got from the local lingerie store, because budget cuts) and making of what they will of it. Most of them spent their time swiveling around, flipping us off, eating bananas (mostly in #11, I have no idea why) or taking our Head Programmer’s cigarettes and attempted to smoke them.

Notable: #8 got extra creative in creating her own outfit.
#10 Took my drink and flipped me off with a cigarette in her mouth and ran away to the other androids.

I conclude that our programmers did not take this seriously, as well as an mechanical engineer who gave our females extra cleavage than planned, and all of them with unrealistic human anatomy. The suspected peoples who ransacked the project have been questioned and dealt with. This project was ruled as a failure.
But I still wonder why they all swiveled so much.

Also zagglezig submitted one that combined two together which I also liked:
3,13: Vigilante nurses Mandi and Brandi were one of the more unusual products of the healthcare debate.