notjustnuts: First off, this blog is one

notjustnuts submitted:

First off, this blog is one of the most amusing and educational things I’ve seen in a long time, and I’ve gotten a great deal of entertainment out of seeing the redraws and trying to copy the poses. I used to never pay attention to things like this in art, and now I can’t stop seeing it. Thanks for running such a great blog and keeping a sense of humor about these issues.

I’ve wanted to try one of these redraws since I saw what this blog was about, so I figured I’d go for the most famous image. (I hope I’m submitting it right; I’m new to tumblr.) What I tried to do here was keep the spirit of the pose intact while making it more believable in the context. Since she’s jolting upright, she’s leaning forward a bit with her whole upper body rather than just pushing her chest out, and her leg is placed more naturally to show it was under the blanket just a moment ago. I wanted to keep the image’s storytelling foremost, conveying through pose and expression that she’s just woken up abruptly and is irritated (which the original image hardly does at all; I wouldn’t know what was going on if not for the text).

I apologize for the lighting being inconsistent; I wasn’t paying attention to where the light was coming from in the original until I had already shaded her figure. I blame the original picture’s confusing tones.

Thanks again for running a great blog, and keep up the good work!

Thanks!  I really like this re-draw and that she you did a great job of conveying her annoyance.  Also, I don’t know if it was on purpose, but the super creepy look you gave the dad is pretty hilarious too.  I notice you interpreted that frame surrounding him as a panel, rather than a mirror as other’s did, which I find interesting.  The MANY MANY ways that this scene has been interpreted as been the most fascinating and fun thing to me in accepting all these redraws. :)

(Also I love the LOL clock.)