AHHHHHHHHHHHHH  It turns out I NEVER put up the scans I made of Christopher Hart’s “how to draw” books!  I thought I did!  Time to correct this. >:\

Let’s start with him teaching us how to turn heroes into villains.

I love how the male hero gets more clothed as he turns evil.  In fact, he gets SO clothed, you can’t even see his face!  But the female hero starts losing chunks and chunks of clothing.  I guess we should be thankful she didn’t end up with battle thong, or maybe she will if she gets even MORE evil!  (And the guy will have another 5 layers of armor.)

Edit: Other good points from the comments:

- She gets heels when she turns evil, because we all know high heels = sexual woman = evil (her lack of clothing also plays into that.)

- Her fall is described as being from a “traumatic event” which is in contrast to the male hero, and goes into tropes of women being hysterical, emotionally fragile and whose mental and emotional state must be carefully controlled.

- She goes from white skinned and blonde as a “good girl” to non-white, with frizzy hair (and before it turns orange, it gets progressively darker) as the evil girl.