Little Rat: A cineplex in germany is

Little Rat submitted:

A cineplex in germany is showing old horror movies with the title for the event being “Die Nacht des guten Geschmacks” (the night of good taste).
The above picture is the movie poster used in the promotional video they show together with regular movie trailers. The movie title is “Schlock das Bananenmonster” (Schlock the banana monster). The woman in the picture says “Oh! I think King Kong schlocks me”. Or at least thats the best translation I can provide O.o

Apparently her boobs are filled with helium.
Her expression is rather blank, too.
I don’t know what happened to her right leg. Where is the thigh? If it is hidden behind her body, the visible part should be farther to the right or maybe tilted at a different angle. The gorillas right arm is completely hidden, but I don’t think it could support her right leg this way. The longer I look at this picture, the more it looks like the leg is growing out of her butt.

I don’t know anything about the actual movie, but I’m not sure this poster was the best choice to go with the title.

I mean given what “Schlock” means here in terms of films, I think that poster works perfectly.