randomfox: I’ve just found out about

randomfox submitted:

I’ve just found out about Trinity Seven, a “fantasy romantic comedy manga series by Kenji Saitō with art by Akinari Nao”, if Wikipedia is correct. This is the cover of the Volume 6 of the DVD Series and I’ve gotta say that the most impressive thing with the whole drawing is the amount of things wrong with it.

Her body twists so much that her left rib cage end where her sternum would be, her abdomen looks like a weirdly shaped bag and her ass is just around 15º from being completely aligned with her face. It’s incredible how the “glitching” effect even makes it worse by hiding some of her side’s lines.

And let’s not even get started that that piece of cloth she’s holding is glued to her nipples.

It doesn’t even look like she’s twisting, it’s like her body’s just … like that normally. I’m… scared.  

This seems less like a rom com than a rom horror?