JUANDELACRUZ: In a follow-up to my first


In a follow-up to my first submission, this is “Rachnera’s Secrets”, the spidergirl entry for a series of official omake (japanese for “extra” or “bonus” material) to the Monster Musume manga, which reveals the technical details about the various different biologies of the eponymous Monster Maidens.   According to the creator Okayado, it is confirmed in canon, yes, she indeed has two actual abdomens. However, it is implied that only the first human abdomen is used for, er, the usual bodily functions (her genitalia is located on the front of that one, as she wears a loincloth over her crotch, as seen in these panels and pages from the manga: http://www.mangahere.co/manga/monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou/c15/10.html, http://www.mangahere.co/manga/monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou/c021/3.html, http://www.mangahere.co/manga/monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou/c021/4.html ), as the second spider abdomen, is used to produce her spidersilk “which she usually uses only for rope-play” (apparently, she’s into BDSM, which panels/pages would be too NSFW for work :p )

I have no problem with BDSM Spider-Women, but wait… if only her human half is used for bodily functions, like sex, does that mean she poops on top of her spider-body? O_O 

I am concerned about the hygiene of this.