kaena007: I don’t know if you take

kaena007 submitted:

I don’t know if you take reblog requests, or non-american submissions, but I have this.


When I was a young girl, my mother bought me some Pokemon manga. The image on the left was on the back of one of the volumes, as an advertisement. It has bewildered me to this day. Now, don’t get me wrong, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a really good series. But someday, some glorious day, I am going to slap the character designer in the face. This is why.

Also sorry if you got this submission before or something, my internet crapped out so it may have gone through twice or three times D:

I take both reblog requests and submissions!  The only thing I don’t take is non-professional art (e.g. non-pro Deviant Art) and I try to avoid commissions because I have no idea if the artist was told “draw a woman with both her butt and boobs facing me” or “I like women who can be folded into a drawer”.  Otherwise, go for it.  I originally started this tumblr with the hope to also add in video game, manga and fantasy art, but it’s easier for me to find comic art, so that’s why the tumblr is mostly of that.

There are actually two EVA pictures (the other is of Rei), so click on the link if you want to see both.  I chose Asuka for this post because that one was the most egregious to me.  She looks like somebody just folded her like a napkin.