Made rebloggable on request (and added

Made rebloggable on request (and added another site) :)

roquenrowgus asked: I was wondering here: do you have/know any blog that is the opposite of Escher Girls? Here we have the exaggeration, the “how not to draw your girls” examples (maybe that is not the best expression for the blog). And on the other blog we have “the simple/right option” example (again, maybe it isn’t the best expression for this, yet, imaginary blog). Anyway, I hope you understand what I’m saying. English is not my native language, sorry for any grammar mistake.

Check out the redraws tag, or some of the blogs in my sidebar (“related sites”) such as Comic Art Corrections, Redlined Art, Less Tits n’ Ass, More Kicking Ass and Women Fighters In Reasonable Armor.  :)