page from Avengelyne/Shi #1 depicting an Asian woman with black hair sleeping on a bed with a pink sheet underneath her, she is in a blue top and panties and her back is bent 90 degrees like a literal right angle in the middle of her back, and she is in a boobs and butt pose where both breasts through her nightie and both buttcheeks are visible

Real Life Escher Nap Amy D: So I was

Real Life Escher Nap

Amy D submitted:

So I was cleaning out an old hard drive, and I stumbled across this picture of myself from a couple Christmases ago:

I prefer to lay on my side, but on a hard floor that starts to hurt my shoulders. It seems the solution was just to twist so my shoulders were flat without moving my legs. The picture isn’t posed. In fact, I actually nodded off shortly after it was taken.

It’s a bit surreal to see this picture again after discovering this blog. I mean, all you have to do is tuck in my love handles and put me in my underwear, and I’m a swivel-waisted, boobs and butt posing Escher Girl. Go MS Paint!

 …yeesh. I’m glad the person who hosted this gathering was a chiropractor. 

I’m not sure the belly button placement is correct, but that’s a great job turning yourself into a heroic Escher Girl! :)

For sleeping Escher Girls though, the queen is still Shi: