cover of "Kingdoms of Ruin #5" light novel showing a black haired light skinned guy in a jacket and white shirt and metal greeves standing on a wall, hunched over, while a red haired girl clings onto him, her body is not touching his except her arms, and her back is arched 90 degrees with her butt thrust out

The Live Action Tetris Movie Looks Great

chameleonsynthesis submitted:

"Kingdoms of ruined spines, maybe; that is almost a 90° bend. And the guy's lower leg is larger than her entire body.

Doroka and Adonis from The Kingdoms of Ruin, Vol.5, Seven Seas Entertainment"

It looks like she was hanging off of him and then he landed on the ground (wall?) too hard and bent her by accident, but she's too polite to say anything about it so she's trying to cover up the pain with a smile.

That or this is concept art for the live action Tetris adaptation, in which case it looks great!