promo screenshot of Tear of Time: Lost Memory showing  showing a girl with short black hair hanging on a ledge with her arm out looking weirdly long her back is arched  under her chest 90 degrees
promo screenshot of Tear of Time: Lost Memory showing a blonde CGI girl in a green tank top and brown short shorts standing with her back arched and butt thrust out
promo for "Tear of Time: Lost Memory" showing a CGI girl with short black hair in a red crop tank top and black short shorts standing with her back arched and butt thrust backwards and in the background she's being tied up and dragged by her arms

So Awkward

coeurdefemme submitted:

This game is currently promoted on Epic Games' main page and... yeah...

Is she supposed to be swinging or tied up and dragged by her hand in that first image?  Either way every pose in these screenshots looks so awkward, like they live in a world where girls always have to stick their butts out.

(Promo images for Tear of Time: Lost Memory, Simpra Org)