amydentata: paigeabendroth




Before I even started playing the new GTA, I knew there would be trans women in it. I knew about where and when I could find them. I knew what their jobs would be. Because to the people this game is made by and targeted to, we can only be one of two things: secret ‘batin’ fantasies or sex workers moaning about hormones and their private parts. 

When I found and greeted a group of them, the main characters had the following things to say:

Michael: Hello, sir. I mean, madam. I mean, ~whatever~

Michael: Well, hello, Mid-op.

Franklin: Almost fooled me, (bro-she?). Almost.

Franklin: Hey, you need to keep taking your hormones!

And the trans women said the following as I creepily eavesdropped and took photos of them (remember, these quotes were intended to be funny.):

Trans woman: I don’t think the laser treatment is working!

Trans woman: They won’t let me on the ladies’ basketball league at the rec center. This is crazy! I think I’m going to sue or something.

Trans woman: (on the phone) I Just wish he’d let me untuck more… I dunno if I wanna lose it forever, and he needs to understand that!

I will never buy another Rockstar game ever again.  I’m fucking done.  Fucking shit.

I was already done with Rockstar. Now I’m beyond done.

The depiction of trans women in games is just as relevant to this blog as the depiction of cis women, and this is so utterly disgusting and awful. >:\  Haha let’s laugh at and stereotype trans women sex workers.  That’s so clever and original, and not at all totally hateful and dehumanizing to a group of people who already face both in society and are often targets of violence, abuse and murder.