shadeykris: Who gets trapped in General


Who gets trapped in General discussion doing debatably competent redlines?  Yes that’s right, me.

Also.  Can never resist a really good prompt.

Or a really bad one.

” Originally Posted by Sparkly:
If you do that, please let me know. I would love to see… oh… Fiora, Vayne, Lux, and Miss Fortune have their poses swapped with some of the guy champs. It’d be brilliant.”

Me: ……………
My brain:  Do it.

There’s been a bunch of League of Legends stuff submitted to me lately because of the new design and poses of the female characters, and this was linked my way, so I thought I’d let people know who might be interested. :) It’s like the Hawkeye Initiative, but using the LoL character Tryndamere instead.

There’s more in that post too.