morncreek: Posing of “Gargantia on the

Posing of “Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet” character

Photoshop of kawaiirella’s submission to EscherGirls.

(Please forgive the poor photoshop job, I’m not that good at it. Couldn’t figure out how to manipulate her feet…)

I decided to tackle the pose instead of the anatomy, mostly. I really didn’t like the original artwork because the “sexy” was the sort that broke the fourth wall. To me, the character looked like a young woman out for some fun, not become a centaur girl.

So I started with rotating the upper half of her body and moving it over so I had a slightly-less-broken spine to align her legs to. I then swapped the positions of her legs. Since the clothing indicates movement, I bent her right leg so it appeared as though she was in the middle of twirling around to greet you. I also did some coloring to fill in empty spaces and smudged it around so as not to be so distracting to the eyes. I had to add in more yellow cloth to balance out the image because I had changed her “front” into one of her “sides.” Last, I did some distortion to make her thighs wider so her bosom appeared more natural. Curves on the chest tend to match curves in the leg, from what I have seen.

The end result is not as shiny or good-looking, but I find it much more appealing and more interesting. I feel like there is a natural interaction between the character and myself. She’s actually very cute!

Trivia: For giggles, I told PhotoShop to automatically straighten the image. I burst out laughing at the result - even the image editing program thought she must be a centaur woman! Also, her right hand… I didn’t realize that it was missing a finger or was waaaaaaay too small until I moved stuff around.

It’s pretty good for a roughish photoshop.  The pose works a lot better. :)