shattered-earth: Just did a simple

shattered-earth submitted:

Just did a simple tracing and then reversed which body parts would be visible. It’s strange because their eyes are literally not even looking at the “goods” so to speak, they’re staring at her thigh / knees. The artist also drew the skirt to imply the side facing the men would be covering more. I suppose if you took perspective into account (which you can’t because according to the desk you’re at eye level with it ?????) you might be able to see a little of her front panties but not much else :|

(And this is the third.)

Yeah, that doesn’t look particularly interesting from their end.  Great quick sketch! :D

What I’m curious to see now is somebody draw what she’d look like from one of the guy’s perspective.  Like, she’d probably look like a giant right?  And that one guy is looking at her knee.  He’d probably see most of her leg and not much else.

Edit:  As pointed out in the comments, they could be leg men, so they might be scoping out her legs.