Xav: I made it! So I finally toured the

I made it!

So I finally toured the depts of Eschergirls’ archive and it was quite a feat. Fun facts, it took me over a week, it’s 204 pages long and though I am generally pretty resistant to comic artists’ wiev of world, I had at least three “what the fuck am I looking at” experiences. You know. Those, where you feel like you just broke your brain just by looking at something.

Well, anyway, I noticed you have a few League of Legends splash arts here and thought I’d add this here Miss Fortune to the collection.

She has serious problem with her waist, and I think her left shoulder is off, but that could be just me.

(Oh yes. And I want my centaur badge!)

Congratulations! :D  (I actually am going to make a badge for people who have made it to the end and want it)

I’m amazed nobody’s submitted this to me before (unless I missed it in my inbox which is possible).  LoL stuff gets submitted to me a lot.