n-e-way: Hi Ami! I love your blog to

n-e-way submitted:

Hi Ami! I love your blog to bits and am so grateful for someone like you who is actively working to change the way we think about the image of women in media. Ra Ra feminism! Anyway I just had to send you this little screenshot I took to prove how your blog has influenced me to better recognize contorted female bodies in my daily life. This particular elfy girl not only has a titty on her back, but an exorcist head! Sexy right? 

It’s definitely not work by a professional artist. The ad was for some sot of porny sci fi web comic I think. I’m not asking you to put this up on the blog, just wanted to throw yet another mangled girl-body your way, because, if nothing else, I just had to show someone.

Keep it up, I’m cheering you on!

<3 Cameron

This has been on my blog before, and I actually don’t have a problem with it because advertising is fair game.  I’m putting this up again just so people can gape at it once more, and because you were so nice in using my name. :)