rag-doll-witch: Not an Echer Girl, but

rag-doll-witch submitted:

Not an Echer Girl, but the artists comments I think are relevant.

By nebezial on DeviantArt

“its just absurd how my concentration is all over the place with my nerdouts. here is the real kicker, i dont even read superhero comics.

reason is simple. they are never self contained and since its not simple to get them here… catching everything a comic i might like ties in is damn near impossible

i love superhero costumes tho, no denying that, they are so much fun to design., balancing derail versus silhouette. function versus aesthetic

and in this case, a tongue in cheek joke punchine with elegance

honestly, when i saw her new costume i really disliked it. they jjust took the easy way out and neutered writers from alot of humorous potential.

and this is coming from the guy who always says i dont like oversexualisation.

there is a time and place and a purpose for everything. when a superhero is about to have sex, that is a very human moment and should be treated as such.

this is where you bring the sex appeal. but having it overshadow the hero in a pointless way that obviously is counter productive…just annoys me XD

sex appeal for me works by the rule of contrast… it should be balanced. a short but intense sex scene is believable and purposeful if the hero afterwards puts on a reasonable and functional suit.

it can look good, it can even look sexy, but it should serve a functional puspose

aand that why i left the boobie hole XD

no, joking aside, its a characteristic element that was allways there, and when you think power girl, you have a certain…. busting image….so what, girls have breasts.. some guys do too! XD

if you have been reading to this point you must be wondering.. the hell is wrong with this guy, he is making absolutely no sense!!!

i am kinda sleepy XD”

That is probably the best re-design of Power Girl’s costume I’ve ever seen, and it really highlights how something even like a boob hole can be merely part of the costume design rather than “let’s show some boobies!” and be aesthetic rather than distracting.  That is really awesome.  I love it. :D