slipstreamborne: Love all the redraws of

slipstreamborne submitted:

Love all the redraws of this, so decided to try my own.  MS Paint so it’s sketchy as all hell, but the end result is about how I feel when I’m suddenly awakened after not enough restful sleep:  more puffy-faced than pin-up. 

The more I look at the original the more it puzzles me.  Even the background details are… what.  Why does she have a giant wall clock behind her bed if she also has a digital alarm?  Why don’t the times match?  The wall mirror is too high up to be a full-length, so why isn’t it centered over the dresser?  What’s with the creepy stuffed animals and random shout-out to Babe?  Oh wait, that’s right, she’s a teenager.  I forgot about how comic artists like to litter the bedrooms of young women they’re drawing for sex appeal with reminders of their very recent childhood, so we get hound-dog-plush drooling at her crotch and tiny stuff pig labeled BABE in case we don’t realize that the main character is supposed to be sexually attractive. 

That’s a good observation about why artists keep putting stuffed animals in bed scenes when they’re also sexualizing the female character, it’s to remind us she’s young, she’s a teenager, she was a child just a little while ago.  In the interests of fairness though, I still have stuffed animals in my room.   Though, they don’t leer at my private parts. xD 

Your redraw is great by the way, and yet again, tells the scene and matches the dialogue so much better.  I don’t look so great when I’m woken up by my alarm before I wanted to either.  Maybe if she synched up her clocks, this wouldn’t happen.