Escher Girls

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a WTF?

A blog to archive and showcase the prevalence of certain ways women are depicted in illustrated pop media, such as how women are posed, drawn, distorted, and/or sexualized out of context, often in ridiculous ways that sacrifice storytelling.

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cover of Power Girl Vol. 3 #3 from the "Power Girl: Uncovered" cover collection issue, showing Power Girl in a white bodysuit with boob window wearing blue gloves in a red Superman symbol jacket, she is floating in the air with the words "GRL PWR" behind her with her arms up and in a boobs and butt pose with her butt facing the audience viewpoint and chest swiveled to show both breasts as well

GRL PWR at max

Power Girl's face makes this feel like a photoshoot where she's like "it's kinda uncomfortable to keep doing the boobs and butt pose like this, have I exhibited enough GRL PWR yet?" and the photographer is like "no."

cover of Lady Death: Origins #1 from Boundless Comics that shows Lady Death (white skinned white haired woman with supernatural white eyes in a black leather bikini top and black thong with black thigh highs and elbow gloves) riding a horse, her lower half facing away from the audience (tho both buttcheeks are visible) and she is turned toward the viewer to show both her breasts

Lady Pain

I guess if you're Lady Death you can do whatever you want and the general rules don't apply, but that still looks extremely uncomfortable for multiple reasons.

verticle splash panel from Bloodstrike 19 showing a blonde woman with a high pony tail in a green skintight catsuit with boobsocks and an ab window showing her stomach, she is holding a large gun and standing with one leg raised with smopke at the bottom hiding her feet, next to her is a black haired woman with short hair in a red jumpsuit cropped at the stomach and with her butt thrust back a little holding 2 guns

Attack of the anime worm girls?

waitworry submitted:

"they were almost kind of normal looking and then they hit you with that last page"

Attack of the anime worm girls?

panel from Robin vol. 2 #126 showing Stephanie Brown as Robin jumping up in the air in joy as Alfred looks at Batman, Stephanie's arms are tiny twigs, her breasts are wrapped in boobsocks and floating in the air, her torso is bent 90 degrees like a tube under her chest, and her butt is thrust back, so she's in a Tetris shape

Rubber Robin

Rubber Tetris torso aside, her breasts and the way her top is flaring out makes it look like her chest is Mario's hat.  I can't unsee it.

(Cover of Robin vol. 2 #126, DC Comics, submitted by anonymous)

3 panels from Titans vol. 2 #2, on the left long panel is Raven surrounded by the Titans as she sits on a bench, the panel on the top right shows her ranting angry while the other titans stand around her, Starfire is standing with her hands on her hips and her stomach is sucked in and about the size of her neck so her butt can stick out, Donna Troy sits next to Raven with the exact same face as Raven and the same skin tone, Starfire is also very pale and barely orange, the final panel is a close up on Raven

Symptoms of a Space Virus?

Everybody looks so pale that Donna's face looks exactly the same as Raven's.  Maybe they're feeling faint from some sort of space virus or whatever's dissolving Starfire's torso. D:

(Panels from Titans vol. 2 #2, DC Comics)