Because somebody asked for this to be

Because somebody asked for this to be rebloggable

Anonymous asked: I think it’s awesome that you have outed the prevalent sexism in comics and other media. As far as you are aware, has this changed anything in comics?

People have been talking about, discussing and blogging about the prevalence of sexism in comics and other media for a long time.  I don’t think I’ve “outed” anything.  I see my blog as about collecting examples (and having fun and being funny while doing it) so that there’s an archive and people can make their own decisions about what it means, and use the pictures if they need examples/evidence in their blogs, or just for fun like the Hawkeye Initiative.
I don’t know if I’ve changed anything in comics, but I do get letters telling me that I’ve changed the letter writers’ minds, or I’ve made them think about the subject in a different way, or that having an archive has helped them realize the prevalence.  I also get a lot of letters telling me I’ve helped people with their eating disorders and body image, and allowed them to laugh at images that used to make them feel bad about themselves.  Those ones make me really happy because I know how it feels to struggle with body image, and an eating disorder, and if my blog has helped even a few people out with that, I’m just… really glad to have been part of a healing process.   Even if nothing else, I’ll take that. :)
I think people are all different and learn in different ways.  Some people change their minds on an issue due to blogging or persuasive writing, and others simply by seeing how prevalent something is without being told what conclusions to draw, and some don’t find that helpful at all, and I understand that too.  I don’t know if this blog alone has changed anything in “comics”, and I don’t know if it can, but it has changed the way individual people think about the portrayal of women in comics, and changed the way individual people see themselves, and that’s already way more than I ever thought I’d do when I started this.   So… :)

Edit: For some reason it slipped my mind that I also regularly get letters from artists telling me I’ve helped them be more aware of what they draw, so there’s also that. :)