Index of Tags! This has been requested a

Index of Tags!

This has been requested a lot and it’s something I’ve wanted to get around to for a while.  It’s not complete because right now I can’t remember every character and tag I have right now.  Also I need to fix up the “random tumours/tumors” tag because I kept spelling it differently each time and I should probably pick a better, non-offensive name for the tag anyway.  If anybody can think of any characters, artists, etc I’ve missed, please feel free to let me know in a message. :)

So on the side you should see an “Index of Tags” tab now under the “about” tab. :)  That will take you here where you’ll see the blog tags sorted by Artist, Company, Characters and Series, Genre/Medium and Others (mostly all the funny stuff, redraws, parodies, webcomics, etc are there.)

Sometimes not every post is accurately tagged (especially the older ones, because I hadn’t yet become as familiar with being able to tell which artist did what so a lot of them don’t have artist tags, also a bunch of the terms hadn’t been used yet) but I’m trying my best to go back and fix them.

I recommend, before you submit something that you know the artist or character, to check the tags to see if it’s been submitted already. :)

Anyway, I will hopefully tighten this up soon when I have more time, and I hope this helps people navigate the site better!  If you have more recommendations on how to improve site accessibility, please let me know!  (But keep in mind I don’t always have time to do it immediately.)