picture that says "September Updates!" in white comic book font at the top with a 2x3 group of small square pictures underneath, the group of 4 squares on the left are red-line redraws of a Star Wars cover of Guri and Savan fighting each other in various different poses, and the 2 on the right are of the X-Blades cover of a blonde girl wearing a white bikini and thong with a tiny waist and her butt thrust out

Thank you to our August 2023 Patrons and September Update!

Hi everybody!

It's a new month, so that means it's time to thank our supporters of Patreon and to give a monthly update on the site!

First, The Patreon issues I mentioned last month I think are now resolved, so hopefully that means there's no longer any issues.  If you are having any issues with subscribing to Escher Girls on Patreon, please let me know!

The big news this month is I've restored several posts to the Escher Girls archives that I think people would be interested in, especially if you haven't seen them before.  The coolest one is this old redraw by Ghostarin/Cloudarin of a Star Wars comic cover.  What's really cool is they did 4 different versions of the poses to show different ways you could position the characters to make the action make sense.  As part of the restoration, I've also added additional commentary because I've had more time to appreciate just *how good* their ideas for alternative poses were.  As well, I've restored all three posts of X-Blades/Blades of Time, and consolidated the series into one tag. Previously, each post was actually filled under different tags: X-Blades, X Blades, and Blades of Time, now they're all under X-Blades (which is also labeled Blades of Time so searching for either title brings you to the same place).  The three restored posts are here: 1, 2, 3.  One of the posts doesn't seem to actually exist on Tumblr anymore, possibly because Tumblr thought it was too adult, or the original submitter deleted their blog and this was when I was still using the Tumblr default autopost for submissions. 

On that note, I'm still working on unflagging posts on Tumblr, in most cases it seems to only add a mature flag to posts, but in others the posts seem to just be missing (or the tags seem to be empty if there's a flagged post).  If you experience any issues on Tumblr with missing content or empty tags, please let me know!  I'd like to appeal everything I can or just fix anything I'm able to.

That some posts just vanish from Tumblr is one of the reasons why I decided to self-host and why I appreciate any support I get because it helps me to keep the site independent and keep the archive as something I control.

Also, as a reminder, you can follow Escher Girls using RSS. (For newbies, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is basically a feed you can read using an RSS reader. Simply copy and paste https://eschergirls.com/rss.xml into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on Escher Girls!)

If you have any suggestions for upgrades to the site that would make it more readable and usable to you, please let me know!  Especially if there's a particular commenting service or style you'd like us to use since i know the interaction is part of the fun, and I don't know how many people use Disqus anymore.

And now, I want to give a huge thank you to our August Patreon supporters:

So thank you so much to:

Anne Adler

Cat Mara


Chris McKenzie

Em Bardon

First Time Trek

Greg Sepelak

Ian Cameron

Ken Trosaurus

Kevin Carson

Kim Wincen

Kristoffer Illern Holmén


Manuel Dalton

Mary Kuhner

Max Schwarz

Michael Mazur

Michael Norton

Miriam Pody

Morgan McEvoy



Rebecca Breu


Ryan Gerber

Sam Mikes

Sean Sea




Thomas Key

Oh, and there's also *one more post* I restored, which I decided to save for the upcoming 12th anniversary post of Escher Girls next Monday.  It is definitely something people will want to see, so hopefully you all enjoy it!

And again, I want to thank everybody for reading, interacting, commenting, and submitting things to the site because you're why Escher Girls continues to exist into it's 12th anniversary! :D

Thank you all so much,


(If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ami_angelwings or donate through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/amiangelwings.)