Thank you to our July 2023 Patreon subscribers and important update about Patreon

Hi everybody!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but as some of you might already know, Patreon's having issues which has led to payments not being processed or being flagged as "fraudulent", and people reporting that creators they followed suddenly vanished for them. The source of these issues seems to be unclear since the speculation is that the cause is because Patreon switched their payment processing location to Dublin, Ireland, but Patreon seems to be saying that that's because of an upgrade with a processing partner and it's just the descriptor that changed.  Either way it's a confusing mess.  I've noticed discrepencies in the Escher Girls Patreon list too, several subscribers seem to have just vanished.  They're not listed as cancelled or declined, just gone, like they never subscribed in the first place.  It's weird.

Because of all this, I've decided not to make any changes to this month's list of Patrons that I want to thank.  I assume if you vanished suddenly, it's probably because of Patreon's problems. Also, you might want to check your Patreon account to see if these errors have affected you and anybody (not just Escher Girls) that you're supporting!  It's especially annoying because there seems to be no warning or notification that anything happened if you're not checking yourself, so I just wanted to let people know.

I'm still working on unflagging posts on Tumblr, at least for the most part it seems to just be adding an "mature content" flag and not removing too many posts, but there's some that seem to have just vanished.

This is again why I'm self-hosting and really appreciate any support I get because it helps me to keep the site independent and keep the archive as something I can control without worrying about Tumblr policy changes or their auto-flagging system that seems to be entirely automated, including the appeals which are rejected or accepted seemingly by random within seconds of me clicking the button.  So while it takes more work and cost to self-host, I think it's important.

Also, as a reminder, you can follow Escher Girls using RSS. (For newbies, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is basically a feed you can read using an RSS reader. Simply copy and paste into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on Escher Girls!)

If you have any suggestions for upgrades to the site that would make it more readable and usable to you, please let me know!  Especially if there's a particular commenting service or style you'd like us to use since i know the interaction is part of the fun, and I don't know how many people use Disqus anymore.

Given the increasing issues with Patreon, if there are other ways you'd like me to look into to make it easier to support Escher Girls, please let me know that too!

And now, I want to give a huge thank you to our July Patreon supporters:

So thank you so much to:

Anne Adler

Cat Mara


Chris McKenzie

Em Bardon

First Time Trek

Greg Sepelak

Joseph Millman

Ken Trosaurus

Kevin Carson

Kim Wincen

Kristoffer Illern  Holmén


Manuel Dalton

Mary Kuhner

Max Schwarz

Michael Mazur

Michael Norton

Miriam Pody

Morgan McEvoy



Ryan Gerber

Sam Mikes

Sean Sea




Thomas Key

And a special thank you to "NM" for supporting us on Ko-Fi last month!

And in general, I want to thank everybody for reading, interacting, commenting, and submitting things to the site because you're why Escher Girls continues to exist.

Thank you all, you make it all worth it,


(If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: or donate through Ko-Fi at: