dsm24: Found another misleading sexy ad

dsm24 submitted:

Found another misleading sexy ad for a Chinese/Korean MMORPG online out-of-place in another webpage where you’d least expect it.

Odd things:

1) Blank-Eyed Uncanny Valley Zombie-Stare in extreme close-up of otherwise pretty-enough female character model who looks like CG refugee from mid to late 90’s Playstation/Gamecube/Sega Saturn era (and who will most likely never appear in the actual game itself)

2) Misspelled “BREST”

3) Interchanged “FACE” and “BREST”

4) “WAIST” instead of “Hips” to complete classic trifecta of sexy female body areas (as in traditional Face and Tits and Ass)

5) “WAIST” so-called, yet features REST OF WHOLE TORSO below shoulders and above knees, along “FACE”, er, “BREST”.

6) Arms and Hands of girl shown (along with “WAIST”), yet not her Legs and Feet (might as well complete her figure eh?)

I think this is the best ad ever xD