cover of Avengelyne Seraphcide with a blonde woman in a purple swimsuit type superhero outfit holding a gun looking past some bushes as Avengelyne (brunette wearing an outfit that's just 2 strips of black latex in a cross across her stomach and breasts) holds a sword looking scared(?)

Okay, so because some people wanted me

Okay, so because some people wanted me to choose some of my favorites from the caption contest so there’s some “pay off”, I’m going to list (in no particular order) some of my favorites here. :)  These aren’t “winners” or anything but they’re ones I noticed because they made me laugh or I thought they were creative, or I just wanted to showcase them.


To spice up the workplace, Skintight Sam’s Lawncare instituted Shirts&Skins games on Wednesday jobs.

balance of geek:

The one in the purple just got back from boating with friends, only to discover her partner was cheating on her (through bondage) with the red-head. As her partner was tied up, and wouldn’t be going far, she gave chase to the one trying to take her lover away from here. Each grabbing novelty umbrellas on there way out the door to beat each other with (and the one in purple grabbing a water gun to humiliate her foe), they toke the game of cat and mouse outside. Alas! Poor red-head has suffered a dislocated limb and can run no more!


They’re playing the classic children’s game “organ-go-seek”


angry swimsuit models seek revenge on bathing suit designer


World’s worst version of Capture the Flag?


The weekly Clothes-Cutting Games just kept getting more merciless.


Clearly this is a pissed off Sorority of the future, who’s been raided of clothes, but left undies + weapons. Payback Mission in 3…2…1


“Oh my gawd, I can’t believe Teressa didn’t invite us to her party!”


There are some seriously big mosquitoes in their backyard, but the ponytail chick is scared of bugs, so Blond chick is all “s’ok, I got this”


Just a little light gardening, nothing to see here

There we go!  The submissions in general were great though, and I’m glad people are having so much fun with these. :)

And there’s still time to put in your caption for this picture before I make a post of my favorites.