deathspeaker: eschergirls: Who knew



Who knew witch burnings were so much fun?

WHERE IS THE REST OF HER FUCKING ARM!? Did the artist draw this and just go ‘Welp, I got the important parts… boobs… hips… thong… nice thighs… fudged the details of the belly but everyone will be too busy looking at her naughty bits. Did I forget something?…. NUP!’

After it posted, I noticed today that one of her arms is missing as well as the hand that should be sticking out over that clamp on her arm, but then everybody else noticed it too, so I just left it as is.  But you’ve just hit on one of my theories as to why a lot of disappearing body parts happen or plasticine legs, which is that the artists either draw the boobs and face and whatever they find sexy and then forget about the rest, or they’ve spent so much time drawing them that when deadline hits, they don’t have time to do the rest. 

Edit: I know her arm is drawn as if it’s bending back (really awkwardly too) but it makes no sense for her to be tied up with one arm, especially in that pose, and it still looks as if that arm was hastily dealt with.

Edit 2: The Revenge: Okay apparently that rope is meant to be tying her up?  That so does not look like she’s being tied up by that rope.  This is making less and less sense by the minute. XD