Hello there! I absolutely love your

Hello there! I absolutely love your blog, it actually helped me to get a difefrent view on the work of others but also on my own - so, it is incredibly helpful! :-) I just got one little question for you. I watched the new Sailor Moon Series (I think it started in June) and I found the animation quite irritating regarding anatomy. So what do you, as a professional "OEGD" (Official Escher Girl Detector) think of it?

I haven’t watched it yet, so I have no opinion.  Sorry. :\

But I appreciate the compliment!  It means a lot to me whenever people tell me that Escher Girls is useful to them and have helped broaden their perspective, or improved their own art. :)

I don’t consider myself any type of “official” person who gives an authorative statement about what is and isn’t “okay” or sexist or anything though.  I post what I think fits my blog, and is an example of a way women are distorted and/or sexualized in pop media and I comment on it.  If I have something to say about the new Sailor Moon series (and I don’t, at the moment), I hope it won’t be taken as some sort of official thing about whether or not it’s problematic (or judging the worth of the series, there’s plenty of things that have art that fits this blog that I also like as a series, it’s not one or the other).