how many submissions do you have atm? do

how many submissions do you have atm? do you get many that you reject?

I was actually going to write a post about why submissions might not get posted because I get so many letters and submissions and I know people must be wondering why their’s aren’t up.  But since you asked, I’ll do a little Cole’s Notes version now :)  The most common reasons are:

1) It’s already been submitted.  This one is probably the most common.  I have a really large archive now, and I don’t expect everybody to have read it all and known, but it still means that it’s already been put up.  Sometimes, it’s not even an old picture.  And there are a few pictures (Liefeld ones, or parody images) that get submitted to me on a near constant basis.

2) It doesn’t fit the criteria.  The most common one that gets submitted that doesn’t fit is when a woman is showing butt and one breast.  That’s not the boobs and butt pose (a common misconception seems to be that it is), and unless it’s a situation where she’s supposed to be fighting, or pointing a gun, etc, I won’t put it up.

3) It’s Winx or Power Puff Girls or etc that’s being submitted and just “oh my god look at the giant heads”.  Sometimes I wonder if that’s just trolling and people trying to bait me into putting Care Bears on the blog or something. xD

4) It’s a question I’d much rather answer privately because I don’t want to clutter up my blog.  A lot of people ask me my opinion on a particular comic, or writer, or artist, and I’d rather answer those without needing to put it as a blog post.  And if you don’t have a tumblr account, I can’t do that.

5) You submitted it during a time I was really busy or stressed, and it’s stuck in the back of the message queue.  This one I feel really bad about and I wish Tumblr gave me a better way to organize and sort my messages so it isn’t just having to scroll and load back.  I get a lot of messages every day, and often a lot of submissions require me to have to unbreak a link, or figure out what the link to a broken image is, or look at the image to see if it fits the criteria, so it does take some time and effort.  Also, lately I’ve been busy with my job and GRS application among other things, so some stuff have been stuck in the backlog and I really apologize for that and I’m trying to get to it as soon as I can.

I think those are the 5 most common reasons a post isn’t put up.  :\