Letter from guy who isn't into it

So maybe I am just the rare guy who doesn't get turned on by broken spines but seriously--- What is so attractive about the boobs-butt pose and all the others????

I honestly think part of the appeal of a lot of this art, like the J. Scott Campbell Rapunzel one where her boob is falling off, the boobs and butt ones, or the ones like Joe Benitez’s swimsuit one where the girl’s spine is broken sideways at 90 degrees is not that the whole piece is digested and judged as hot, but that it gives off enough cues to be read as “hot girl you want”.  The Joe Benitez one combines 2 swimsuit poses (one where girl is in front of you, propped up on her arms, and one where she’s lying on her side) and so I think if your first thought is “hot girl!” your brain kinda just skims and understands that it’s meant to be hot and it invokes imagery of women you know are hot.  It’s more that the art makes the guys that like it think “HOT GIRL” than they look at the pose and etc first and decide that it’s attractive.  I hope that made sense.  A lot of the poses, or anatomy are kinda “Escher"ish in that on first glance it looks okay because your brain is taking short cuts, but then you realize it’s impossible (or makes no sense in context).

Edit: To put it another way, it’s like how the human brain can generally read any word that’s jumbled up as long as the first and last letters are the same, even though technically that’s not the word.  Or when we read words that are typoed, we still recognize the word even though it’s spelled wrong.  In the same way, guys that are interested in comics just for sexy art/cheesecake will see enough "cues” (thrust out chest, thrust out butt, arched back, etc) that their brain understand this is a porny, sexy woman drawn for their pleasure  even if she makes no contextual, anatomical or positional sense.