Because somebody asked for this to be

Because somebody asked for this to be rebloggable

Anonymous asked:
I just want to thank you for what you wrote about large breasts. Of course exaggerated sizes can be an issue in images since they start to defy gravity. I have relatively large ones and I find that many people can be quite rude at times about my size, almost like they couldn’t exist, or that guys won’t want me because they’re big. It sucks that redraws at times=smaller breasts. I exist and I shouldn’t have my size sexualised first and then ignored. So I really do appreciate what you wrote.

Thank you for writing in. :)  That last line is exactly what I was concerned would be the implication, and why I wrote what I did.  We should keep in mind that while our society often sexualizes large breasts & comic/video game art may play that up to the extreme, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have large breasted heroines that look awesome and powerful.