eschergirls Now, I will not even try to


Now, I will not even try to assert that I am a master of anatomy… however, I hardly think I need to go into great detail about how HORRENDOUSLY PAINFUL this is to look at. Half of her face is off center, the arms are uneven and it looks like her left elbow is attached to the shoulder. Not to mention the obvious screaming waist and broken spine.

In green is her face. Besides her looking kinda bug-eyed, the off center nose bothered me a bit. In yellow, her spine. Yes, she really has two spinal chords! Her legs and pelvis don’t seem to be balanced, and oh my god her boobs are plastic. While I was finishing off, I couldn’t help but notice that the sword seemed a bit off center too….

Here is the rough sketch. I decided to keep her hair long and flowing, though I’m sure getting hair stuck in your face is definitely not for want in the middle of battle…. :I

Then comes the bare skin, with gravity-obeying breasts, muscle definition, balance, and, yes, even a bit of tummy for her organs. Whatever she was freaking the fuck out about best be running away now.

But wait! Before she goes running into battle she needs some protection from the thing that’s obviously going to rip her to shreds the instant it touches her. Because really, a grass strip for your nipples don’t do shit. If anything, it’d be more practical to use the hardened nipples as a weapon at that rate.

:D I bet this battle is much more entertaining for those dudes up on the rocks to look at!

Awww… you just ruined their naked baseball game! D: