Since I occasionally see people going

Since I occasionally see people going “you’re hurting the artists’ feelings!” or that criticizing professional art is sooooo mean and I just answered one yesterday, I thought this comment from the artist of the Agent Naughtyhill, and Centaur Woman pictures was PERFECT for me to get just now. :)

See, that guy gets it.  I mean, at worst, he gets attention, and he’s still the one who has the job drawing, I’m just a lowly blogger.  Nothing is served by being upset at criticism of your art.  If you choose to use it to improve, or if you keep on trucking, that’s up to you (just like how I handle criticism, sometimes I think it’s valid, sometimes I keep on trucking), but screaming about how nobody should be criticizing your art would be immature.  If you’re a professional (or even if you’re not, but I don’t post amateurs, I have a professionals-only rule on this blog, no amateur DA art) you should take criticism as either a chance to improve, or, if you don’t agree with it, as either background noise or more attention. :)  If you keep on trucking, and people decide the criticism is valid and doesn’t buy your work, that’s your choice, and that’s their choice, that’s just how things work.

As I said to the guy who was telling me to stop picking on artists, I doubt I’m making any artist upset.  I always figured if I did get an artist on my blog that didn’t agree with the criticism, they would say something like that.  Like I said, I don’t take this personally, and I don’t think the artists should either, and I was right, they don’t. :)

Edit: So many people are pointing this out, so I guess I need to acknowledge it. xD   I noticed the passive aggressive shots too, especially with the end, but I don’t really care.  If people don’t want to say what they mean, I can only go with what they say.  How they carry themselves is their issue. :)  Also one of the replies as spot on: this is not just “art”, it’s product, and products are definitely free to be criticized.