photo of "Special Collector's Edition" Youngblood figure of Riptide showing the rubber figure in the plastic packaging and a picture of her from the comic behind with the figure looking normal proportioned and the art having the 90s bad girl 3x length legs and bent back with butt thrust back proportions
close up of Riptide bendable figure with a focus on the toy (rubber figure with relatively modest proportions, the legs are 1.5 the length of the torso and head, she has a normal hourglass waist) and the backing showing Riptide from the Youngblood comics (woman drawn 90s comic style with big white hair, a V cut strapless top that is glued to her breasts and her back is bent 90 degrees with her butt thrust back and her legs are 2-3x the length of her torso and head combined)

Gumby Doll vs 90s Comic Art, the Two Genders

The gumby doll vs. the comic art is like "We have Riptide at home" except I'm not sure which version is the "at home" one.

I am actually pretty impressed that the comic Riptide, despite her right arm coming out of the back of her head, actually has a torso that isn't the size of her neck, and her legs are only like twice her torso length, and also she has feet.

(Photo of Riptide Bend'Ems Action Figure, Just Toys & Image Comics, submitted by anonymous)

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