cover of Avengelyne Shi 1 showing Avengelyne jumping to the left (wearing her crucifix electrical tape outfit that is a cross from her neck to her crotch and then across her breasts), she is thrusting her butt 90 degrees from her side to the left, Shi is in a boobs and butt pose running to the right while slashing to the left and looks EXTEMELY awkward, Shi's string thong also means her butt just looks bare facing us

Shi looks so unhappy to be in this pose

Shi: "Avengelyne, please, can we just wear pants?"

Avengelyne: "No! How else can I do my patented BUTT ATTACK!!!!!! We look so cool!"

Shi: "I'm wearing a two thongs and a sofa-cover, Avengelyne."

(Cover of Avengelyne/Shi #1, Avatar Press, submitted by anonymous)

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