cover of Shahrazad #0 with the title text on the top left and "Big Dog Ink" at the bottom, a white woman with heavy eyeliner and short black hair is in a white low cut top tied under her breasts and a short torn mini skirt, she is holding an "African" style tribal shield and a spear, her body is swayed to our left and her torso juts to our right and then her legs back to the left, her legs are bent INWARD at the knee, her legs look like rubber, her feet are en pointe (on tiptoes)
textless cover of Shahrazad #0, a white woman with heavy eyeliner and short black hair is in a white low cut top tied under her breasts and a short torn mini skirt, she is holding an "African" style tribal shield and a spear, her body is swayed to our left and her torso juts to our right and then her legs back to the left, her legs are bent INWARD at the knee, her legs look like rubber, her feet are en pointe (on tiptoes)

Use Plasticine Decoy Women To Lure Dinosaurs and Profit

TFW your legs are made of plasticine and you're afraid to step in dinosaur poop so you walk on your tiptoes all the time.  Relatable problems.

Also, she doesn't quite have Liefeldian leg-to-torso ratio but it's up there.

(Cover of Shahrazad #0, Big Dog Ink, submitted by anonymous)

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