Best of Escher Girls 13th Anniversary: Soul Saga Extravaganza
I was going through the archives to find posts for the "best of Escher Girls" anniversary special and ended up finding a lot of "Soul Saga" submissions from the very beginning of this blog (2011) that I had to fix up and source and I found an extended version of one of the covers so I thought this would be a perfect collection to showcase, especially since a lot of people didn't see the posts back when they were put up.
So, first off, we have the infamous "neverending pelvis" cover that started the tag. It's... very confusing and kind of horrifying. But also, there's an extended version of the cover, featuring a very angry and pouty grey elf(?) girl who, understandably, doesn't look pleased to be squeezed into a bustier 20x too small for her and apparently superglued to her nipples. At least her crotch isn't being sucked into a singularity, so that's something right.
Then we have another variant with a blonde princess(?) being saved by a guy which looks less like he's saving a person and more like he just stole a life-size statue given her lower torso and legs looking more like a statue base than legs. Also why does everybody in this space fantasy future only wear little cheese triangles that cover the bottoms of their breasts. I guess they're future space bras with special anti-grav tech.
And finally, we have warrior space princess(?) who apparently cannot fight without having her butt facing the enemy, and whose powers emanate from her breast and butt flesh because I guess that's why she has to wear the little battle pasties and a painfully pulled up metal(?) battle thong? Ouch. So painful to even think about. Also cold.
This sci-fi future seems very uncomfortable for women.
Anyway, the links in the above link to the original posts if you want to see those too. I hope everybody enjoyed this retrospective on some of the earliest stuff posted on Escher Girls and thank you for reading! (I can't believe it's already been 13 years)
(Variant Covers of Soul Saga #1, panel from Soul Saga #2, Top Cow Productions & Image Comics)