screenshot of loading screen from mobile game Langrisser M showing an anime girl with long green hair floating above a blue orb, she has giant breasts larger than her head round and building up, defying gravity, her legs are bent, her breasts are covering in black scraps, and her torso is coming out of the top side of the far breasts, so her body appears to be completely cut in 2 (the implication is supposed to be she's twisting her back but it doesn't look like that at all)

TFW Your Breasts Are Trying To Tear Themselves Off Your Body

anonymous submitted:

"It's the loading screen of a character named Seraphina on the mobile game 'Langrisser M'"

She's either been bisected under her breasts, or her breasts, head, and shoulders are all growing out of the side of her torso.  Or her torso is growing out of the side of her breasts since they might be the only actual living organism in this picture given how they're standing up like that.

(Screenshot of loading screen art from Langrisser M, Masaya Games & ZlongGames)

[Tumblr x-post]