comic panel w/ narration: "Nantucket. A lonely inlet, an atlantic midnight... the clapboard boatsheds creak as the tide sucks at their timber supports. A rain squall drizzles in from the ocean... apart from those sounds - silence. As a wise man once said - it's too darn quiet.", Spider-Woman stands next to Moonraker, Spider Woman's legs are thrust to the right & her right leg is coming from her crotch, she says "Moonraker, I don't like this at all!"

Spider Crotchleg

Poor Julia, not only does she have to stand in that weird butt out, legs forward on tiptoes thing that all superheroines are apparently forced to do by law, but also her right leg rebelled and tried to hide in her crotch. D:

(Panel from Force Works vol. 1 #16, Marvel Comics, submitted by anonymous)