official art for Code Geass showing Lelouch (dark haired anime boy in a black and red cape) holding C.C. (green haired anime girl) who is in a white jumpsuit that hugs both breasts separately like socks and hugs both her butt cheeks, he is holding her as she leans upward, both breasts turned to face the audience (on top of each other as her torso is tilted) and her back is arched 90 degrees with her butt thrust backwards and very offset from the rest of her body

TFW You Break Your Marionette

Between her bizarrely bent body, uplifted breasts, and his claw hands, it looks like she's a marionette and he's just like f-ed her completely up. Also I assume some of the strings are attached at her nipples.

(Official Art from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Sunrise, submitted by anon)