2 screenshots side by side of "Island Questaway" mobile game showing a girl bent over a dry circle of ground with a horse lying in front of it with its tongue out to show it is thirsty, the horse is in a red bikini and has breasts underneat its body, on the top of the screen is a body of water and 2 penis outline shaped ditches nearby not filled with water, there is a hand pointing at the water and in the next screen, ditches have been dug by the hand to connect the penis areas to flow water into them


elkian submitted:

Originally I grabbed some screenshots due to the.... dubious shape of the water ditches, but when I sent it to a friend I realized the horse is wearing a bikini. And has boobs?? (Osamu Tezuka is that you?) Ad for the app game Island Questaway (by Nexters Global ltd), apparently.

I have... far too many questions about this.  I'm not even 100% sure this fits the blog but... like... the horse has boobs?  and a bikini?  And the... water... dic... ditches...???